Web Links

National Fungus and other Associations:-

British Mycological Society www.britmycolsoc.org.uk
The Fungus Conservation Trust www.abfg.org
RSPB www.rspb.org.uk
National Trust www.nationaltrust.org.uk

Other Fungus Groups

Hampshire Fungus Recording Group www.hampshirefungi.org.uk
Devon Fungus Group www.groups.exeter.ac.uk/devonfungusgroup
Cotswold Fungus Group www.cotswoldfungusgroup.com

Wildlife Trusts

Places we visit:

Recipe Websites:

Wild Mushroom Recipes (US site) www.wildmushroomrecipes.org

Other Websites

Purbeck Journal www.purbeckjournal.co.uk
Hedgerow Harvest, Toller Porcorum www.hedgerow-harvest.com
The English Truffle Company www.englishtruffles.co.uk
Our Recipe Editor’s site -recipes and local information www.dorsetbydavis.co.uk
Olive Tree Cookery School, Corfe Castle www.olivetreecookeryschool.co.uk
Casa Valeria, Italy www.casavaleria.it
For UK Wildlife & Nature Images Visit www.nature.mvp-photography.co.uk