Welcome to our new look site!
DFG’s Rules
Joining the Dorset Fungus Group
If you would like to come along to a foray with us please arrive in good time (usually a 10.00am start) and make yourself known to the group, especially if you have not been before.
A Few Precautions and DFG Rules
During a foray we take extreme care to try and make sure that no one comes in to physical contact with the “nasties” of the fungi world. Of some 15,000 different types so far found in the UK alone there are only a few species that are very dangerous, but some of these can also be common and even look like edible species, which is very often where the danger lies, so please bear this in mind at all times, especially regarding any children in your care.
Ancient woodland often contains a rich variety of different types of fungi and may well include some rare and obscure species. Particular care should be taken not to damage or pick these. Do not remove any of the rare or Red Data List species that you might be lucky enough to come across. Care must also be taken to minimise damage to vegetation, soil and other features and avoid removing dead wood unless this is absolutely necessary to identify a fungus.
The Dorset Fungus Group has a few rules for members to observe. These are:-
- If you need to leave the foray early please make sure you tell someone, preferably the foray leader, but if not a fellow forayer who can pass the message on.
- Heed all instructions given by the foray leader(s) and always keep the foray leader(s) in sight.
- Do not pick or touch anything without first seeking advice.
- Never put anything in or near your mouth and always wash your hands (even during the foray with wet-wipes etc) and after we finish.
- Be sure not to put inedible/toxic specimens together with edible ones.
- Do not pick edible species you are not planning to eat, and then less than 1.5kg, or fewer than half the fruit bodies, of any one type, whichever is the lower.
- Please supervise your children at all times.
- Dogs are allowed but MUST be well behaved and preferably on a fixed length lead. Be aware that some venues we visit the landowners do not allow dogs though.
- Observe the Countryside code at all times: Fasten all gates behind you. Take your litter home. Do not dig up or pick wild flowers etc.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The Dorset Fungus Group complies with its obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. Our legal basis for holding and processing your data is explicit consent and legitimate interests. Dorset Fungus Group will use the data to; administer membership records; to record subscriptions paid by members; to record our income and expenditure; insurance purposes; and to inform you of forays, news and events.
The information will be stored manually and/or on password and anti-virus protected computers. Your details will be accessible only to The Membership Secretary, Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. They will not be shared with any other organisation unless legally obliged to do so. Our detailed Data Privacy Notice is available at www.dorsetfungusgroup.com
Terms of Use
Agreeing to these rule also means you agree to the Terms of Use of this website.