Important Information

Important Information and Disclaimer

As well as the DFG rules set out on this website, there are also some VERY important points to stress regarding fungi. Some species are DEADLY POISONOUS, and some edible fungi can easily be confused with poisonous ones if specimens are not thoroughly examined and identified. You should also be aware that some young specimens can look totally different (colour/shape etc) when they have aged, and can then even look like something edible or vice-versa. Extreme care is therefore essential when gathering wild fungi to be used as food. If you are at all uncertain, show the fungi to an expert and obtain positive identification. If there is still any doubt whatsoever do NOT consume them. NEVER just assume that you know what you have found.

As with any activity that takes place outdoors, planning and preparation is very important. Safety (not only concerning the fungi aspect) is of vital importance, there are always general risks etc that need considering. All persons taking part in a foray should be aware of these potential hazards at all times.

In using this website you agree that its owners and contributors have no liability for injury, illness or death caused by ingesting or exposure to fungi as a result of viewing information contained on this site. Though we take every care to ensure the information is correct, ingesting wild mushrooms is potentially dangerous and is ultimately the responsibility of the individual.

Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease is a tick-borne bacterium that is carried by deer and can affect humans. Tick bites are generally painless and often only detected after further symptoms occur. The problem is being exacerbated in Britain by the burgeoning population of deer.

The disease presents a serious health risk, and if not treated can lead to a chronic problem. The more severe long-term consequences can include chronic inflammation of the joints and a damaging effect on the heart and nervous system. The immediate symptoms include headache, fever and the characteristic ‘bull’s eye’ rash.

The most recent scientific approach to the problem as been to focus on an effective insecticide. A new spray pesticide with the appropriate name Tick-Ex, has now emerged which has been derived from a strain of soil based species of fungus Metarhizium anisopliae.

What can we do to avoid ticks and how can we recognise them?

Never wear shorts when walking in the countryside through grass and woodland areas.

Tuck trousers into your socks or wear gaiters.

The ticks are very small and not easily detected.

After a day out it is always best to check your hands and face and any other parts of the body not covered. If you do find them, they look like small blackheads, remove immediately with tweezers and destroy.