Foray Bere Marsh Farm

Bere Marsh Farm, Shillingstone

Sunday 13th November 2022


Start Time 10.00am


This is a new venue for DFG in 2022. The area is a mixture of woodland, pasture and even a dis-used railway line! The farm consisting of 92 acres was purchased in 2020 by the Countryside Restoration Trust. A brief description of the plans the CRT have for the farm can be read HERE

The farm is easy to find once you have reached the village of Shillingstone. Just follow the main road through the village until you exit the built up area on a sharp bend. On this bend take the turning to Child Okeford and as soon as you pass beneath the dis-used railway bridge immediately turn left and proceed up the track to the farm. There should be quite a bit of parking but as always please try and car share if you can. Please note that this is not a picking for the kitchen foray!


The parking/meeting point is HERE


If there are too many cars at the point detailed in the above map there is alternative parking in the triangle of small roads marked by the P on the map just below the meeting point. It is then only a few minutes walk from there.